Key contact details for primary Grampians Health Ballarat facilities. Further contact details, addresses and maps can be found on individual facility pages (search in the top banner).

Phone numbers

 In an emergency contact 000

Base Hospital switchboard 03 5320 4000
Queen Elizabeth Centre switchboard 03 5320 3700
Mental Health Services switchboard 03 5320 4100
Further contact details can be found on individual facility pages (search in the top banner).

Street addresses

Ballarat Base Hospital
1 Drummond Street North, Ballarat

Queen Elizabeth Centre
102 Ascot Street South, Ballarat

Visit our maps page.

Postal address

Grampians Health Ballarat
PO Box 577
Ballarat VIC 3353

Feedback form

As your health and well-being is important to us, please do not use this form to ask medical advice, contact your GP or present to a local Emergency Department. In an emergency contact 000.

Please Note: Feedback from this form is not monitored outside of normal business hours.

As one of our patients or clients, you are the focus of our efforts. Your feedback helps us know what we are doing well and where we need to improve.

If you have any comments, compliments, suggestions or concerns about any aspect of your care, please tell the staff. You can also discuss your concerns with the manager of the ward, unit or department.

If you are not satisfied with our service, please call the Consumer Liaison team on 03 5320 4014 or use the below form. We take complaints seriously and aim to resolve them quickly and fairly.

If you remain dissatisfied with our response, you may contact the Health Complaints Commissioner (HCC). The HCC responds to complaints about health services and the handling of health information in Victoria. Their service is free, confidential and impartial. To lodge a complaint with the HCC, fill out a complaint form at or phone 1300 582 113 between 9am and 5pm, Monday to Friday to discuss your complaint.

For NDIS Participants

The National Quality & Safeguards Commission is an independent agency established to improve the quality and safety of NDIS supports and services. Information about NQSC complaints process is available on their website:

Send us your feedback

Have something to tell us? We welcome all feedback from patients, family members or carers. Tell us more.